Raising the Timber Frame

WARNING: This will be a many-photo blog post!! Brian and I were fortunate enough to have a FANTASTIC raising day with many helpers and “supervisors” who brought food and moral support! That means we were also fortunate enough to capture a BUNCH of great photos!

Please check out our fun time-lapse video of the raising, HERE.

Allan Corriveau

My father, Allan Corriveau, has raised many a frame - MUCH larger than this. He orchestrated the entire composition. Many hands made light work, be we weren’t without snags here and there!

A. W. Corriveau Timber Frames

The weekend before the actual raising, we made sure the trailer was level and then set up the floor frame: sills and floor joists. We also gave supports to the porch that had been suspended over the ramp of the trailer.

Floor Sills & Joists
Floor Sills & Joists

We then put one of the bents together so that we could raise it as a test run. We decided to assemble the bent against the goose neck of the trailer - also know as the beginning of our future bedroom!

First Timber Frame Bent

The boys made sure it was square and level, and pegged it into the sills. Their first taste of raising a small portion of a timber frame!

First Timber Frame Bent

Since we were not going to assemble any other bents and connect them with girts that day, we had to support that singular bent with 2x4s nailed into the sides of the posts and the sills.

First Timber Frame Bent

Reviewing the work:

First Timber Frame Bent

Watch a quick video of the very first timber frame bent getting raised:

First Timber Frame Bent

This was a happy moment - the first shape that remotely resembled a house was formed! During the following week, we assembled and stacked up the other bents - ready to prop up and peg in the next weekend!

Timber Frame Bents
Timber Frame Bents
Timber Frame Bents
Allan Corriveau
Allan Corriveau

Climbing up and down from the frame is fun and exhilarating! I can’t imagine doing it on the MUCH LARGER frames, like Dad has been doing for so many years. I wonder if the pipe in his mouth makes it easier or more difficult?

Now I’m just going to start adding 1,456,789 photos of the process, but if you missed it please check out the YouTube video edit of the whole process, here.

Please feel free to comment with any questions about our strategy or the timber frame process in general!

Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising

We ended up finishing the bedroom portion the following day so that we had more time to make bigger braces for that particular section.

Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising
Timber Frame Raising